This is the first screen you will see when you arrive at the site. You must have your whole account number available to make a payment. You will need to provide your account number. You will need the entire account number, meaning all zeroes and including decimal, like shown above.
After you have entered your entire account number then left click Look Up Account. After doing so your information will appear on the screen. (If this does not happen and your account cannot be found, please make sure you are entering the correct account number. If you are still unable to pull up your information please contact City Hall for assistance.) Below your information will be a Pay Balance Button, left click it to make a payment.
After clicking the Pay Balance button you will be brought to a screen as above. On the left it will list the amount you owe, the processing fee and a total amount that will be taken out of your card. On the right hand side there is a General information box that can be filled out, when this is done you can receive confirmation emails of payments made. Below you will see “Would you like to pay with eCheck or Credit/Debit Card?” You need to click on the one you will be using.
After choosing Credit/Debit card the above will appear on the screen. You then need to check the box in the Billing Information box if your billing address is the same as mailing and if not enter your mailing address and the box will not need to be checked. On the right side of the screen you need to enter all the credit card information to make a payment. It is important to make sure that you check the box at the bottom to agree to the terms before clicking on Submit.
After choosing eCheck the above will appear on the screen. You then need to fill out all the information in the Checking Account Information box. It is important to make sure that you check the box at the bottom to agree to the terms before clicking on Submit.
After clicking on the Submit button a box will appear on the screen as above. It is important NOT to close your browser or press the back button while payment is processing. This should only take a moment.
After your payment has been submitted a confirmation screen will then appear, this screen can be printed for your records by pressing the print button and you will also receive an email with the confirmation if you provided your email in the General Information box at the beginning. If you have any questions on making a payment you can call Court Solutions at 1-877-591-8768 or email them at .
Instructions for Paying your Water Bill Online