The persons working for the Wewoka Police Department are committed to enhance the quality of life and lessen the criminal fears of all citizens.
Utilizing the authority and safeguards of the Constitution of the United States and the Freedoms cited in the Bill of Rights, the United States Constitution, and the freedoms cited therein, we the Officers of the Wewoka Police Department, will work cooperatively with all segments of the general public and government to provide a safe environment and preserve the peace.
This partnership is drawn on the premise that our product be one of service to all citizens with special focus toward solving real and perceived problems within the City of Wewoka, as well as the surrounding community. Our remedies and resources shall be from all levels of government working in concert, to accomplish our desired goals.Thus, as a Department of and on behalf of the people of the City of Wewoka, we obligate ourselves toward becoming a catalyst for positive interaction between all services and functions of the City of Wewoka.
If you have an emergency please call 911
Wewoka Police Department (405) 257-3366
Seminole County Jail: (405) 257-6235
Please Note after 5p.m. and on Weekends this number will call Seminole County Central Disaptch.
Wewoka Police Department no longer has holding Facilities. If someone was taken into custody they will be at the Seminole County Jail.
If you need to get a vehicle out of impound be aware you will need to bring the following :
-Proof Of Ownership
-Proof Of Insurance
-A Valid Driver's License
There will be a $100 Fee to get any vehicle released from impound.
114 West 4th Street, Wewoka OK 74884
In order to get a copy of police reports please make sure you bring a photo ID.